
Projects (Co-)Supervised by Farid Dahdouh-Guebas (SERM)


Projects details

Mundus tropicalis (VLIR-UOS ICP-Connect) 


Fourchault, L. Leveraging ecosystem restoration for zoonoses risk regulation.
(Financing: FNRS ASP).


Supporting marine small-scale fisheries sustainability as a basis of safeguarding food security and livelihoods in East African region – SAVE-FISH (VLIR-UOS Teams)


Thanne Walawwe Gedera, F.M.N. Prospects, opportunities and challenges in managing mangrove social-ecological systems.
(Financing: Sri Lanka, UGC/VC/DRIC/PG2019(I)SEUSL/ 01, self-funded). 461 pp.


A network of change: predation on human disease vectors by mangrove fishes and the role of fisheries and parasitic infections ( Junior Postdoctoral Fellowship in collaboration with Hasselt University – Research Foundation Flanders – FWO, 12APB24N)

2023-2025G-STIC Climate Action Programme AquaForest



Monitoring and REstoration for Sustainable Coastal Ecosystems (RESCuE-2) “towards ASEAN mangrove restoration” (European Commission, Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation, SEA-EU JFS 2021 / FNRS R.8008.22)


Jenoh, E.M., Wood-borer infestation on mangrove forests of Kenya : identification, threats and impacts.
(Financing: VLIR). 159 pp.


Olefs, L. A global score-based methodology to assess ecosystem health through biodiversity metrics in mangrove forests and seagrass meadows. (Financing: self-funded).


Muderhwa Mutabesha, P. Evaluation de services écosystémiques et caractérisations des activités anthropiques autour des forêts des Mangroves en République Démocratique du Congo. (Financing: Enabel, Belgium, PRECOB/IM/CF/AAF/2021/61).


Wolswijk, G. Mangroves as carbon stocks: carbon budget assessment of Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Malaysia. (Financing: FNRS ASP, FC34027).


Value to society and economy through sustainable water nexus management in partner countries of the Belgian Development cooperation – Water NEXUS (Long-Term Policy Supporting Research – PSR, ARES)


Rahim, N.H.B.A. Microplastics in mangrove forests and their effect on macrobenthos. (Financing: Malaysia).


Van Nedervelde, F., Mangrove propagule herbivory – responses and balancing interactions. Joint PhD ULB-VUB
(Financing : ULB).



Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree on Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems – TROPIMUNDO+
(European Commission, 2019-1451

Erasmus Mundus Masters Course on Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems – TROPIMUNDO (European Commission, 2013-1939)

 de Carvalho Ximenes, A., Mangrove species range limits and species diversity: A macroecological approach from regional to global scales. Joint PhD ULB-VUB 
(Financing : FNRS-MIS, F.4508.11). 148 pp.
 Scientific and local capacity building in Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve through training and publications – MAKABANG (Belgian Federal Science Policy – BELSPO)
 Fostering grassroots entrepreneurship in Burundi (Short-Term Policy Supporting Research – PSR, ARES).
 Value to society and economy through sustainable water nexus management in partner countries of the Belgian Development cooperation – Water NEXUS (Long-Term Policy Supporting Research – PSR, ARES).
 Private Sector for Development – PS4D (VLIR-UOS & ARES).
 Otero Fadul, V., Monitoring the forest structure of the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia, using remote sensing.
(Financing : Belspo, SR/00/323). 163 pp.

Shankar Poti, M. Navigating environmental change and governance in Indian Ocean small islands: Mangrove social-ecological and governance responses in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. (Financing : FNRS ASP, FC34023).


Understanding the discursive & practical dynamics of sustainability and its assessment in complex social-ecological systems (SASES). (FNRS-PDR, T.0262.18)


Kodikara, K.A.S., Stress physiology and the mortality of young mangrove plants, with particular emphasis on stomatal conductance, water transport and free radical accumulation. Co-supervision VUB (Supervisor: N. Koedam)
(Financing : VLIR, ZEIN2008PR347). 245 pp.


Economic valuation of ecosystem services in Man and Biosphere reserves: testing effective rapid assessment methods in selected African MABs
– EVAMAB (Belgian Science Policy – BELSPO, BL/58/UN32)


De Ryck, D., Propagules and patterns. The population genetic structure of mangroves in the Western Indian Ocean as a result of dispersal and its constraints. 
Co-tutelle ULB/VUB. Joint PhD ULB-VUB (Financing : VUB). 228 pp.


Benitez-Capistros, F.J., Social and ecological systems dynamics of the Galapagos Islands:
Participatory methodological approaches to support sustainability, conservation science and management.
(Financing : Government of Ecuador). 280 pp.


Okello, J.A., The role of disturbances in mangrove wood formation and forest structure: Effect of large sedimentation events. Joint PhD ULB-VUB (Financing: VLIR). 203 pp.



Managing Mangrove Forests with Optical and Radar Environmental SaTellites – MAMAFOREST (Belgian Science Policy – BELSPO, SR/00/323)


2015Van der Stocken, T., Biological and environmental drivers of mangrove propagule dispersal: a field and modeling approach.  Joint PhD ULB-VUB (Financing : VLIR).
2014-2017Hugé, Jean, FNRS, Effects of the dynamics of biodiversity discourses on conservation decisions and conservation effectiveness. Postdoctoral fellowship. 
2014Mukherjee, N., Mangrove ecosystem values and functions: an interdisciplinary approach.  Joint PhD ULB-VUB (Financing : Inlaks Foundation, EC, FNRS-MIS, F.4508.11).
2013Quisthoudt, K., Mangroves meet their limits.  Where and how climate sets sets the latitudinal limits of mangroves in the context of global warming. 
Co-supervision VUB (Supervisor: N. Koedam; Financing : FWO).
2013-2014Quisthoudt, Katrien FNRS (F.4508.11), Ecological functionality and stability of mangrove ecosystems: a modeling approach. Postdoctoral fellowship. 
2012-2013Long-term monitoring of drivers determining mangrove distribution limits.  (Fund for Scientific Research – FWO Vlaanderen)
2012Hugé, J., Are we doing the « right » things the « right » way ?  Discourse and practice of sustainability assessment in North and South. Joint PhD ULB-VUB (Financing : EC).
2011Nfotabong Atheull, A., Impact of atnthropogenic activities on the vegetation structure of mangrove forests in Kribi, the Nyong river mouth and Cameroon estuary. Joint PhD ULB-Université de Douala (Financing : Cameroon Oil Transportation Company).
2011-2013Khan, Mohammad Nabiul Islam, FNRS (F.4508.11), Ecological functionality and stability of mangrove ecosystems: a modeling approach. Postdoctoral fellowship.
2011-2014Ecological functionality and stability of mangrove ecosystems: a modeling approach (Mandat impulsion scientifique – MIS, FNRS, F.4508.11).

Kumara, M.P., The impacts of tree density on the physical and biological characteristics of planted mangrove stands in Sri Lanka. PhD Thesis, Napier University, Edinburgh, Ecosse, United Kingdom. (in co-supervision with M. Huxham, K.Krauss & L.P. Jayatissa;Financing : Earthwatch).

2010Di Nitto, D., To go with the flow.  A field and modelling approach of hydrochorous mangrove propagule dispersal.  Joint PhD ULB-VUB
 (Financing : Flemish Inter-University Council – VLIR).
2010-2014Coastal Research Network on Environmental Changes (CREC).  (EC, Marie-Curie IRSES, 247514)
2010-2012Behara,Satyanarayana, FNRS. Reconstruction et prédiction de la dynamique spatio-temporelle des mangroves: analyse phytosociologique et étude diachronique de données de télédétection. Postdoctoral fellowship. 
 Boupoya-Mapikou, C.-A., Flore et végétation des clairières intraforestières sur sol hydromorphe dans le Parc National de l’Ivindo (Nord-est Gabon). ULB (in co-supervision with C. Doumenge & J. Lejoly; Financing : Gouvernement du Gabon).




Reconstruction et prédiction de la dynamique spatio-temporelle des mangroves : analyse phytosociologique et étude diachronique de données de télédétection.  (FER)

FNRS-Crédit aux Chercheurs


 Wang’ondu, V.W., Phenology of Rhizophora mucronata Lamk., Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. and Sonneratia alba Sm. in natural and reforested forests at Gazi Bay, Kenya.  University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya. (in co-supervision with N. Koedam, J. Kinyamario, F.B. Mwaura & J.G. Kairo; Financing : Flemish Inter-University Council – VLIR).

Droissart, V., Etude taxonomique et biogéographique des plantes endémiques d’Afrique centrale atlantique: le cas des Orchidaceae. ULB (in co-supervision with B. Sonké, T. Stévart & J. Lejoly; Financing : Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie – AUF).

2008-2013GREEN DYKE : The use of natural barriers for coastal protection in Sri Lanka.  (VLIR- Own Initiative, ZEIN2008PR347 


Mohamed, M.O.S.Are peri-urban mangrove forests viable? Effects of sewage pollution and wood exploitation on the structure and development of the mangroves of Mombasa (Kenya). 
Joint PhD ULB-VUB (Financing : Flemish Inter-University Council – VLIR).


Cunha-Lignon, Marília, AUF. Monitoring rétrospectif des mangroves au Brésil: aide à la gestion de la zone côtière.


Colonisation of mangroves : research into the driving factors of propagule dispersal and establishment (Fund for Scientific Research – FWO Vlaanderen)


Barbier, Nicolas, FNRS. Organisation endogène des forêts denses et des mangroves : Dynamique et mécanismes.


Potential of mangroves and other coastal vegetation as a buffer against ocean surges in the Indian Ocean : an approach based on image and sediment archives, using the Dec. 2004 tsunami as a natural experiment. (VUB Research Council, research project)


Obade, P.T. Modelling spatio-temporal dynamics of a Kenyan mangrove forest. 
VUB (in co-supervision with N. Koedam & J.G. Kairo; Financing : VUB Conseil de Recherche).



Mangrove-onderzoek in het Mekong-gebied te Vietnam : met gebruik van satellietbeelden en GIS i.k.v. bilateraal samenwerkingsproject ‘Improvement of Shrimp production sustainable and safety in Vietnam’ (Belgian Science Policy – OSTC/Belspo)


Bosire, J.O., Restoration of ecosystem functioning in restored mangroves in Kenya: implications for management.  VUB. (in co-supervision with N. Koedam, J. Kazungu & J.G. Kairo; Financing : VUB Conseil de Recherche).


Monitoring structural attributes of trees and surrounding vegetation to detect status and predict changes in mangrove forests and assemblages.  (Fund for Scientific Research – FWO Vlaanderen).



Peri-urban mangrove forests as filters and potential phytoremediators of domestic sewage in East-Africa – PUMPSEA. (VUB Conseil de Recherche, research project, matching fund).

VUB Conseil de Recherche, research project, matching fund



With Instituto de Ciência Aplicada e Tecnologia, Portugal – coordinator; Instituto do Mar, Portugal; University of Leipzig, Germany; Biological Institute/University of Southern Denmark, Denmark; Museo Zoologico de “La Specola” dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy; Stockholm’s University,  Suede; Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Kenya; Universidad Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique; Faculties of Aquatic Sciences and Technology/ Engineering, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; & National Environment Management Council, Tanzania; European Commission.


 Historical ecosystem dynamics along tropical coasts investigated on basis of recent vegetation structure,
and explorative research in European colonial text, image, and map archives (15th – 20th century).
 (VUB Conseil de Recherche, research project, matching fund)

(Fund for Scientific Research – FWO Vlaanderen)


Dynamics in diversity, functionality, and stability of mangroves, approached by a retrospective and current remote sensing approach using new pattern recognition techniques. (Fund for Scientific Research – FWO Vlaanderen, research project)


Mangrove fauna and flora : patterns of reproductive biology and dispersal mechanisms.  (Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy – Fondi di Investigazione di Ricerca di Base – FIRB, Ministero di Istruzione Università e Ricerca – MIUR).



Monitoring and modelling of changes in coastline, vegetation, and biodiversity in natural and restored mangrove forests on a fundamental and applied level.  (Fund for Scientific Research – FWO Vlaanderen)

Fund for Scientific Research – FWO Vlaanderen,


Aquatic ecology for environmental management in Kenya AQUA.  Programme for international cooperation (IUC) VLIR i.s.m. University of Nairobi en Ugent


Vegetation structure and regeneration of the mangroves in the Parc National du Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania.  (VUB Research Council)


Quality mapping, data integration and modelling of remote sensing, cartographic and field data from mangrove forests using a stand-alone geographic information system.  (Fund for Scientific Research – FWO Vlaanderen, Krediet aan Navorsers).


Quality and usefulness of very high resolution satellite imagery (IKONOS),  for research on vegetation dynamics in mangrove areas : integration of different types of remote sensing data.  (Fund for Scientific Research – FWO Vlaanderen, Krediet aan Navorsers)


Recherche de la structure des mangroves au Parc National du Banc d’Arguin et de la régénération et ses facteurs faunistiques restrictifs.  (Fondation pour Favoriser les Recherches scientifiques en Afrique, EUR)



Dynamics and regeneration of mangroves – horizontal vegetation structure analysis of juvenile and adult individuals and research into regenerative constraints – (Flemish Institute for the Promotion of Innovation by Science and Technology – IWT)


Recherche préliminaire de la régénération des mangroves au Parc National du Banc d’Arguin et de ses facteurs faunistiques restrictifs.  (Fondation pour Favoriser les Recherches scientifiques en Afrique)