MMM2 Gold Coast, Australia
25 June to 6 July 2006
The second MMM included a conference and workshop, with the conference held in Coolangatta on the southern Gold Coast, and the workshop in the Daintree area of north Queensland, Australia, from 25 June to 6 July 2006.
The chief aims of MMM2 were to :
bring together active specialists in mangrove ecosystems research;
raise and address current and topical issues related to relationships between animals and plants in mangrove and tidal wetland ecosystems;
build and strengthen further linkages and collaboration between specialists in mangrove fauna;
increase the profile of our field of research and other aspects of mangrove ecosystems; and to
keep formalities to a minimum by keeping the meeting small and hands-on.
One product of the workshop was a Letter to Science, ‘A World without Mangroves’ (Science, Vol. 317. no. 5834, pp. 41 – 42). Also, the book ‘Australia’s Mangroves’ by NC Duke was launched.
Meeting hosted & supported by Griffith University Gold Coast, The University of Queensland, James Cook University, Queensland Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries, and The Ian Potter Foundation.
Convenors: Prof. Joe Lee, Dr Sabine Dittmann and Dr Norm Duke
Conference Special Issue Publications: Science (2007) 317: 41-42, Journal of Sea Research 59(1-2) (2007) and Aquatic Botany 89(2) (2008)