Abstracts should be formatted strictly according to the instructions for authors and sample abstract with Word style sheet that can be downloaded here [discontinued].
Completed abstracts have to be sent to mmm@ulb.be after completing the registration form [discontinued]
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and accepted or rejected based on the evaluation of the members of the MMM3 Scientific Committee.
Depending on the number of submissions and on the available time slots the Organising Committee may decide to convert oral presentations into research highlight presentations or poster presentations. Research highlight presentations are pitching oral presentations of max. 3 minutes aiming at presenting research results in a to-the-point stimulating way (no questions time foreseen during this particular session).
MMM3 Conference peer-reviewed publication
The organisers of the conference are currently negotiating the publication of the MMM3 Conference as a special issue of a peer-reviewed rated scientific journal. Papers will be selected by the scientific committee amongst the MMM3 participants having indicated their willingness to submit to this publication initiative (see registration form [discontinued]).