Schedule – Keynote Speaker – Day to Day program – Oral Presentations – Poster Presentations – Publications
MMM3 schedule
Up to Sun 1 July 2012 | Pre-conference tours (if applicable) |
Sat 30 June – Sun 1 July 2012 | Arrival of MMM3 participants and registration |
Mon 2 July 2012 |
MMM3 Conference : registration, Sri Lankan opening ceremony, introduction, keynote speaker Stefano CANNICCI, participant oral and poster presentations |
Tue 3 July 2012 | MMM3 Conference : keynote speaker Karen L. McKEE, participant oral and poster presentations , pitching research highlights |
Wed 4 July 2012 | Mid-conference excursion |
Thu 5 July 2012 |
MMM3 Conference : participant oral and poster presentations, Conference dinner |
Fri 6 July 2012 |
MMM3 Conference : keynote speaker Jurgenne PRIMAVERA, participant oral and poster presentations, proclamation MMM3 Awards, closing ceremony , departure of MMM3 Conference participants |
From Sat 7 July 2012 |
Departure of MMM3 Conference participants, Post-conference tours (if applicable) |
For participants of the MMM3 Pambala-Chilaw | Lagoon Workshop : |
Sat 7 July 2012 | Departure for Colombo, guided tour and free day and accommodation in Colombo |
Sun 8 July 2012 | Free morning in Colombo, Departure for Pambala-Chilaw Lagoon in the afternoon |
Mon 9 – Fri 13 July 2012 | MMM3 Workshop |
From Fri 13 July 2012 evening | Departure of MMM3 Workshop participants |
Schedule – Keynote Speaker – Day to Day program – Oral Presentations – Poster Presentations – Publications
MMM3 Keynote speakers

Prof. Dr. Stefano CANNICCI Università degli Studi di Firenze,Florence, Tuscany,Italy |
Stefano Cannicci has been working on the biology and ecology of mangrove crabs for more than 20 years. He obtained his PhD from the laboratory headed by Prof. Marco Vannini and together they organised the very first edition of the MMM conferences. Stefano Cannicci and his collaborators have a long list of publications on ecological and ethological aspects of mangrove macrobenthos, with an emphasis on crabs and gastropods and on the East-African coast. He is also involved in physiological and phylogenetic research in the Indo-West Pacific region and since recently also in similar research on the West-African coast.

Dr. Karen L. McKEE United States Geological Survey – USGS,National Wetlands Research Center,Lafayette, Louisiana,United States of America |
Dr. Karen McKee is an ecologist at the U. S. Geological Survey-National Wetlands Research Center in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. Her research focuses on how wetlands are affected by and respond to global changes such as sea-level rise, elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide, climate change, and disturbance. Her work has been published in over 100 journal articles, book chapters, fact sheets, and videos.

Prof. Dr. Em. Jurgenne PRIMAVERA Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center – SEAFDEC,Iloilo, Philippines |
For decades of aquaculture and mangrove research and development, Jurgenne H. Primavera has been awarded a PhD in Science honoris causa by Stockholm University, a Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation, and TIME Magazine Hero of the Environment, among others. She presently manages the Community-Based Mangrove Rehabilitation Project of the Zoological Society of London in Panay, central Philippines.
Schedule – Keynote Speaker – Day to Day program – Oral Presentations – Poster Presentations – Publications
FINAL MMM3 Conference program
The pre-conference program has been printed in the MMM3 Program Book. However, changes made during the conference are given in the online final version of the conference program only (below).
Outstanding posters and oral presentations by student participants were considered for the Best Student Presentation Awards. The jury was composed of Mala AMARASINGHE, Todd MINCHINTON and Ulrich SAINT-PAUL (Chairman).
Monday 2 July 2012
08h00 – 09h00 | Arrival and on-site registration |
09h00 – 09h10 | Sri Lankan opening ceremony |
09h10 – 09h40 | Welcome address by university delegates and local authorities |
09h40 – 10h00 | MMM3 Welcome address |
Session on Macrobentho’s | and Plant-Animal Interactions Session chair : Candy FELLER |
10h00 – 11h00 | Keynote speaker Stefano CANNICCI |
11h00 – 11h30 | Coffee/Tea break |
11h30 – 11h50 | Does ‘you are what they eat’ apply to mangrove sesarmid crabs? Lee |
11h50 – 12h10 | Benthos diversity in Yanbu Mangrove Conservation sites – Red Sea shoreline Paimpillil et al. |
12h10 – 12h30 | Thermal response of mangrove macrobenthos: explaining processes in endangered coastal systems Fusi et al. |
12h30 – 14h00 | Lunch |
Session on | Macrobenthos and Plant-Animal Interactions II’Session chair : Jared BOSIRE |
14h00 – 14h20 | Patterns growth and herbivory in mangrove forests along latitudinal gradients and the consequences of nutrient over-enrichment Feller et al. |
14h20 – 14h40 | Multi-country comparison of insect herbivore communities and leaf herbivory, on mangroves Burrows |
14h40 – 15h00 | Impact of typhoon disturbance on key macrobenthos in a monoculture mangrove forest plantation, Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam Diele et al. |
Session on oral pitching | research highlights Session chair: Farid Dahdouh-Guebas |
15h00 | One year survey of CO2 fluxes from sediments and water column in mangrove ecosystem (New Caledonia) Léopold et al. |
15h03 | Test assembly mechanisms of mangrove communities using geostatistical tools: a study case in the mangrove of Gaoqiao Bourgeois et al. |
15h06 | void |
15h09 | Managing the mangroves economically: ‘Use it or lose it’ DebRoy et al. |
15h12 | High-resolution mapping of mangrove topography and vegetation community structure Friess et al. |
15h15 | The role of mangrove habitat in the life of women in Akshi village, Maharashtra State, India Thakur & Yeragi |
15h18 | Weaver ants as potential controlling agent of the mangrove apple fruit borer Rajapaksha et al. |
15h21 | Assessing the link between the local people and the mangroves status of Mtwapa Creek, Kenya Ochieng et al. |
15h24 | Impact of flood on Rhizophora plantation in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka Mathiventhan & Jayasingam |
15h27 | Variations in the crab diversity of the mangrove environment from Tamil Nadu, Southeast coast of India Ravichandran & Wilson |
15h30 | Species preferences of the crab Sesarmops intermedius to seedling predation in mangrove ecosystem of Kerala, India Nayar et al. |
15h33 | Analyses of the mangrove’s recover process in abandoned salt pounds constructed areas, in the Ceará river, Northeast Brazil Reis-Neto et al. |
15h36 | void |
15h39 | Successive cambia in the mangrove Avicennia: a study on the three-dimensional structure of the cambia and the functioning of the internal phloem tissue Kodikara et al. |
15h42 | Size does matter, but not only size: two alternative dispersal strategies for viviparous mangrove propagules De Ryck et al. |
15h45 | Episodic sediment mixing from the tidal flat to the mangrove forest: a disturbance gradient for seedling survival Balke et al. |
15h48 | Mangrove management at the Gulf of Kutchch, India for coastal protection and resilience to climate change Saint-Paul |
15h51 | Satellite remote sensing and GIS to assess anthropogenic pressures and aid mangrove forest management: a case study at the São Francisco River Estuary (Northeast Brazil) Santos et al. |
15h54 | Elucidating the influence of reproductive traits on population genetic structure in mangroves from the Malay Peninsula Wee & Webb |
15h57 | Studies on sulphate reducing bacteria from Southeast coast of India Abirami et al. |
16h00 – 17h00 | Coffee/Tea break and poster session in poster room |
17h00 – 17h45 | MMM3 Conference Organiser presentationMeeting on Mangrove ecology, functioning and Management (MMM3): more than two decades of insight on mangrove research in Kenya, Sri Lanka and beyondDahdouh-Guebas, F., L.P. Jayatissa, S. Hettiarachi, J.O. Bosire, J.G. Kairo & N. Koedam |
17h45 – 18h00 | First day findings and announcements |
18h00 – | Dinner |
Tuesday 3 July 2012 [up]
Session on Macrobenthos and Plant-Animal Interactions III’Session chair : Joe S.Y. LEE
08h00 – 09h00 | Arrival and on-site registration |
09h00 – 10h00 | Keynote speaker Karen L. McKEE |
10h00 – 10h20 | Human-induced environmental change affecting macrobenthic communities in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia Nordhaus et al. |
10h20 – 10h40 | Barcoding needs morphology and vice versa: the case of a new East African sesarmid crab species Fratini et al. |
10h40 – 11h00 | The bidirectional relationship between mangrove vegetation and sesarmid crabs: complex interaction amongst density and composition of vegetation, crab density and propagule density Van Nedervelde et al. |
11h00 – 11h30 | Coffee/Tea break in poster room |
Session on ‘Plant, Vegetation and | Systems Ecology I’Session chair : Mala AMARASINGHE |
11h30 – 11h50 | Caught in the net: ecological functionality of mangroves Mukherjee et al. |
11h50 – 12h10 | How does tree competition and stand dynamics lead to spatial patterns in monospecific mangroves? Khan M.N.I. et al. |
12h10 – 12h30 | Mapping functional-structural models to fields of neighborhood Grüters et al. |
12h30 – 14h30 | Lunch + Lunch Meeting :Young Mangrove Scientist Brainstorm Session (for students and PhD students)Chairs : Nibedita MUKHERJEE & Marco FUSI |
Session on ‘Plant, Vegetation and | Systems Ecology II’Session chair : François FROMARD |
14h30 – 14h50 | Genetic diversity of Avicennia schaueriana and A. germinans along the Brazilian coast: population structure, migration and admixture Mori et al. |
14h50 – 15h10 | Formation of a research network for conservation of genetic diversity of mangroves: knowledge gaps, studies, and future directions Kajita et al. |
15h10 – 15h30 | Quantifying and monitoring vulnerability of Amazon-influenced mangrove coasts. Case study from French Guiana Blanchard et al. |
15h30 – 15h50 | Biological and environmental drivers in mangrove propagule dispersal and recruitment: a field and modelling approach Van der Stocken et al. |
16h00 – 16h30 | Coffee/Tea break in poster room |
Session on ‘Plant,Vegetation | and Systems Ecology III’Session chair : Loku Pulukkuttige JAYATISSA |
16h30 – 16h50 | Mangrove forest regeneration in tsunami impacted sites of Nicobar Islands, India Nehru & Balasubramanian |
16h50 – 17h10 | The ecological success of the mangrove Avicennia: the perfect combination of well-adapted wood anatomical characteristics and special radial growth? Robert et al. |
17h10 – 17h30 | Mangrove invasion of salt marsh in temperate Australia: predicting patterns of seedling recruitment under fluctuating environmental conditions Minchinton |
17h30 – 17h45 | Second day findings and announcements |
17h45 – 18h00 | Instructions and guidelines for the mid-conference excursions |
18h00 – | Dinner |
Wednesday 4 July 2012 [up]
Thursday 5 July 2012 [up]
08h00 – 09h00 | Arrival and on-site registration |
09h00 – 09h30 | Mid-conference excursions report and announcements |
09h30 – 10h30 | Poster session in poster room |
10h30 – 11h00 | Coffee/Tea break in poster room |
Session on ‘Nutrient | Cycling,Biogeochemistry and other Environmental Drivers’Session chair : Elisabeth ROBERT |
11h00 – 11h20 | How mangroves act as a filter toward trace metals between open-cast mining and lagoon Marchand et al. |
11h20 – 11h40 | Bioremediation and mangrove: an original method for wastewater treatment Herteman et al. |
11h40 – 12h00 | Feasibility of reverse adaptation: physiological and biochemical approach for two mangroves from Sundarbans, India Dasgupta & Das |
12h00 – 12h20 | High-resolution mapping of mangrove topography and vegetation community structure Friess et al. |
12h30 – 14h00 | Lunch + Lunch MeetingMangrove Forest Management and Policy Brainstorm Session (for scientists, managers and policy-makers)Chairs : Marília CUNHA-LIGNON & Mohamed O.S. MOHAMED |
Session on ‘Carbon Sequestration | Stocks and Payments’Session chair : Sanath HETTIARACHI |
14h00 – 14h20 | Better than nothing: biomass and carbon storage in natural and planted mangroves in Kiên Giang Province, Viet Nam Wilson et al. |
14h20 – 14h40 | Coastal condition monitoring using indicators of mangrove and saltmarsh health and changePresented by Damien Burrows Duke & Mackenzie |
14h40 – 15h00 | Marketing the mangroves: can carbon payments make conservation work? Huxham et al. |
15h00 – 15h30 | Coffee/Tea break in poster room |
Scientific debate sessionSession chair | Nico KOEDAM |
15h30 – 17h30 | Scientific debate |
17h30 – 18h00 | Fourth day findings and announcements |
18h00 – | MMM3 Conference Dinner |
Friday 6 July 2012 [up]
08h00 – 09h00 | Arrival and on-site registration |
Session on ‘People | Ecosystem Interactions, Conservation and Management I’Session chair : Marília CUNHA-LIGNON |
09h00 – 10h00 |
Keynote speaker Jurgenne PRIMAVERA : ‘A lifetime of mangrove research, management and advocacy‘ |
10h00 – 10h20 | Modelling mangrove propagule dispersal: sensitivity analysis and implications for shrimp farm rehabilitation Di Nitto et al. |
10h20 – 10h40 | A socio-ecological assessment aiming at improved forest resource management and sustainable ecotourism development in the mangroves of Tanbi Wetland National Park, The Gambia, West Africa Satyanarayana et al. |
10h40 – 11h00 | A study on the impact of anthropogenic activities on the sustainability, habitat preference and distribution of bird fauna associated with mangrove reserve in Kadolkele, Negombo, Sri Lanka Jayamanne & Jayamanne |
11h00 – 11h30 | Coffee/Tea break in poster room |
Session on ‘People- | Ecosystem Interactions, Conservation and Management II’Session chair : James G. KAIRO |
11h30 – 11h50 | Urban mangrove dynamics under increasing anthropogenic pressure: analysis of remote sensing data and Brazilian legislation Cunha-Lignon et al. |
11h50 – 12h10 | Delimitation of global mangrove biogeographic regions based on species composition using Self-Organizing Maps Ximenes et al. |
12h10 – 12h30 | Disturbances in a mangrove ecosystem – implications in the long term recovery patterns and climate change Mohamed et al. |
12h30 – 14h00 | Lunch + Lunch MeetingCreation of an IUCN Mangrove Expert Panel (for all participants)Chairs : David CURNICK & Jurgenne PRIMAVERA |
Session on | ‘Climate Change I’Session chair : Catherine E. LOVELOCK |
14h00 – 14h20 | Prediction on recovery pathways of the cyclone-disturbed mangroves in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar Aung et al. |
14h20 – 14h40 | Predicting future latitudinal limits of mangroves in South-Africa with species distribution modelling Quisthoudt et al. |
14h40 – 15h00 | Potential geographic distribution of Rhizophora apiculata Blume under different future climate change and sea level rise scenarios Record et al. |
15h00 – 15h30 | Coffee/Tea break in poster room |
Session | on ‘Climate Change II’Session chair : Behara SATYANARAYANA |
15h30 – 15h50 | Variation in sea level and effects on surface elevation gains in coastal wetlands Lovelock et al. |
15h50 – 16h10 | Impacts of climate-induced mangrove expansion on the ecological functions of salt marshes Mendelssohn & Perry |
16h10 – 16h30 | A global standardized network for monitoring mangrove vulnerability to sea-level rise Webb et al. |
16h30 – 18h00 | Award ceremony and closing session, ceremony and reception MMM3 Awards Best Student Oral Presentation Award Winner: Elisabeth M.R. ROBERT, for the oral presentation entitled ‘The ecological success of the mangrove Avicennia: the perfect combination of well-adapted wood anatomical characteristics and special radial growth?‘, authored by Robert, E.M.R., N. Schmitz, J.G. Kairo, H. Beeckman & N. Koedam. 1st runner-up: Toe T. AUNG, for the oral presentation entitled ‘Prediction on recovery pathways of the cyclone-disturbed mangroves in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar‘ authored by Aung, T.T., M. Yukira & M.M. Than. 2nd runner-up: Tom VAN DER STOCKEN, for the oral presentation entitled ‘Biological and environmental drivers in mangrove propagule dispersal and recruitment: a field and modelling approach‘, authored by Van der Stocken, T., D. De Ryck, D. Di Nitto, J.G. Kairo, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & N. Koedam. Best Student Poster Presentation Award Winner: Alison K.S. WEE, for the poster presentation entitled ‘Elucidating the influence of reproductive traits on population genetic structure in mangroves from the Malay Peninsula‘, authored by Wee, A.K.S. & E.L. Webb. 1st runner-up: V.P. PRAVEEN, for the poster presentation entitled ‘Species preferences of the crab Sesarmops intermedius to seedling predation in mangrove ecosystem of Kerala, India‘, authored by Nayar, T.S., V.P. Praveen & S. Suresh. 2nd runner-up: Thorsten BALKE, for the poster presentation entitled ‘Episodic sediment mixing from the tidal flat to the mangrove forest: a disturbance gradient for seedling survival‘, authored by Balke, T., E.M. Horstman, T.J. Bouma, P.M.J. Herman, C. Sudtongkong & E.L. Webb. Best Mangrove Photograph Competition Winner: Prabakaran NEHRU Honorary mention: Dennis DE RYCK Honorary mention: Ariadna BURGOS Announcement of MMM4 in 2015MMM4: USA Welcomes You.Feller, I.C., C.E. Proffitt, K.W. Krauss & C. McIvor. |
18h00 – | Dinner |
Schedule – Keynote Speaker – Day to Day program – Oral Presentations – Poster Presentations – Publications
MMM3 Oral Contributions
Alphabetical list of oral contributions :
Aung, T.T., M. Yukira & M.M. Than. Prediction on recovery pathways of the cyclone-disturbed mangroves in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar (oral presentation # 33).
Blanchard, E., C. Proisy, E.J. Anthony, V.F.dos Santos, F. Fromard, A. Gardel, E. Gensac & R. Walcker. Quantifying and monitoring vulnerability of Amazon-influenced mangrove coasts. Case study from French Guiana (oral presentation # 15).
Burrows, D. Multi-country comparison of insect herbivore communities and leaf herbivory, on mangroves (oral presentation # 5).
Cunha-Lignon, M., M. Kampel, J. Flandroy, R. Palamar Menghini & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Urban mangrove dynamics under increasing anthropogenic pressure: Analysis of remote sensing data and Brazilian legislation (oral presentation # 30).
Dasgupta, N. & S. Das. Feasibility of reverse adaptation: Physiological and biochemical approach for two mangroves from Sundarbans, India (oral presentation # 22).
Di Nitto, D., P.L.A. Erftemeijer, J.K.L. van Beek, F. Dahdouh-Guebas, L. Higazi, K. Quisthoudt, L.P. Jayatissa & N. Koedam. Modelling mangrove propagule dispersal: sensitivity analysis and implications for shrimp farm rehabilitation (oral presentation # 27).
Diele, K., D.M. Tran Ngoc, T. Tran, U. Saint-Paul, H.Q. Pham, S.J. Geist, F.W. Meyer & U. Berger. Impact of typhoon disturbance on key macrobenthos in a monoculture mangrove forest plantation, Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam (oral presentation # 6).
Duke, N.C. & J. Mackenzie. Coastal condition monitoring using indicators of mangrove and saltmarsh health and change (oral presentation # 25). Presented by Damien Burrows.
Jayamanne, J.M.D.N.M.M. & S.C. Jayamanne. A study on the impact of anthropogenic activities on the sustainability, habitat preference and distribution of bird fauna associated with mangrove reserve in Kadolkele, Negombo, Sri Lanka (oral presentation # 29).
Feller, I.C., A.H. Chamberlain, C.E. Lovelock, R. Reef & M.C. Ball. Patterns growth and herbivory in mangrove forests along latitudinal gradients and the consequences of nutrient over-enrichment (oral presentation # 4).
Fratini, S., C.D. Schubart, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & S. Cannicci. Barcoding needs morphology and vice versa: the case of a new East African sesarmid crab species (oral presentation # 8).
Friess, D.A., R. Leong, W.K. Lee & E.L. Webb. High-resolution mapping of mangrove topography and vegetation community structure (oral presentation # 23).
Fusi, M., F. Giomi, B. Mostert, F. Porri, C. McQuaid & S. Cannicci. Thermal response of mangrove macrobenthos: explaining processes in endangered coastal systems (oral presentation # 3).
Grüters, U., H. Schmidt & U. Berger. Mapping functional-structural models to fields of neighborhood (oral presentation # 12).
Herteman, M., F. Fromard, L. Lambs & J.-M. Sanchez-Perez. Bioremediation and mangrove: an original method for wastewater treatment (oral presentation # 21).
Huxham, M., J.G. Kairo, M.W. Skov, T. Hillams, F. Nunan & M. Mencuccini. Marketing the mangroves: can carbon payments make conservation work? (oral presentation # 26).
Kajita, T., K. Takayama, T. Asakawa, S.G. Salmo III, B. Adjie, E.R. Ardli, M.K.K. Soe, M.N.B. Saleh, N.X. Tung, N.B. Malekal, Onrizal, O.B. Yllano, S.H. Meenakshisundaram, S. Sungkaew, W.K. Shan, Y. Watano & S. Baba. Formation of a research network for conservation of genetic diversity of mangroves: knowledge gaps, studies, and future directions (oral presentation # 14).
Khan, M.N.I., S. Sharma, U. Berger, N. Koedam, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & A. Hagihara. How does tree competition and stand dynamics lead to spatial patterns in monospecific mangroves? (oral presentation # 11).
Lee, S.Y. Does ‘you are what they eat’ apply to mangrove sesarmid crabs? (oral presentation # 1).
Lovelock, C. E., R. Reef & D.R. Cahoon. Variation in sea level and effects on surface elevation gains in coastal wetlands (oral presentation # 36).
Marchand, C., M. Allenbach, J.-M. Fernandez & E. Lallier-Vergès. How mangroves act as a filter toward trace metals between open-cast mining and lagoon (oral presentation # 20).
Mendelssohn, I.A. & C.L Perry. Impacts of climate-induced mangrove expansion on the ecological functions of salt marshes (oral presentation # 37).
Minchinton, T.E. Mangrove invasion of salt marsh in temperate Australia: predicting patterns of seedling recruitment under fluctuating environmental conditions (oral presentation # 19).
Mohamed, M.O.S., G. Neukermans, J.G. Kairo, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & N. Koedam. Disturbances in a mangrove ecosystem – implications in the long term recovery patterns and climate change (oral presentation # 32).
Mori, G. M., M. I. Zucchi, I. Sampaio & A.P. Souza. Genetic diversity of Avicennia schaueriana and A. germinans along the Brazilian coast: population structure, migration and admixture (oral presentation # 13).
Mukherjee, N., N. Koedam & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Caught in the net: ecological functionality of mangroves (oral presentation # 10).
Nehru, P. & P. Balasubramanian. Mangrove forest regeneration in tsunami impacted sites of Nicobar Islands, India (oral presentation # 17).
Nordhaus, I., L. Dsikowitzky, T. Jennerjahn & J. Schwarzbauer. Human-induced environmental change affecting macrobenthic communities in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia (oral presentation # 7).
Paimpillil, J.S., M.Y. Dehlawi & J.C. Sy. Benthos diversity in Yanbu Mangrove Conservation sites – Red Sea shoreline (oral presentation # 2).
Quisthoudt, K., C. Randin, J. Adams, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & N. Koedam. Predicting future latitudinal limits of mangroves in South-Africa with species distribution modelling (oral presentation # 34).
Record, S., N.D. Charney, M.Z. Rozainah & A.M. Ellison. Potential geographic distribution of Rhizophora apiculata Blume under different future climate change and sea level rise scenarios (oral presentation # 35).
Robert, E.M.R., N. Schmitz, J.G. Kairo, H. Beeckman & N. Koedam. The ecological success of the mangrove Avicennia: the perfect combination of well-adapted wood anatomical characteristics and special radial growth? (oral presentation # 18).
Satyanarayana, B., P. Bhanderi, M. Debry, D. Maniatis, F. Foré, D. Badgie, K. Jammeh, T. Vanwing, C. Farcy, N. Koedam & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. A socio-ecological assessment aiming at improved forest resource management and sustainable ecotourism development in the mangroves of Tanbi Wetland National Park, The Gambia, West Africa (oral presentation # 28).
Van der Stocken, T., D. De Ryck, D. Di Nitto, J.G. Kairo, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & N. Koedam. Biological and environmental drivers in mangrove propagule dispersal and recruitment: a field and modelling approach. (oral presentation # 16).
Van Nedervelde, F., N. Koedam, J.O. Bosire, U. Berger, S. Cannicci & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. The bidirectional relationship between mangrove vegetation and sesarmid crabs: complex interaction amongst density and composition of vegetation, crab density and propagule density (oral presentation # 9).
Webb, E.L., D.A. Friess, K.W. Krauss & D.R. Cahoon. A global standardized network for monitoring mangrove vulnerability to sea-level rise (oral presentation # 38).
Wilson, N.C., V.N. Nam, N.C. Duke & S. Brown. Better than nothing: biomass and carbon storage in natural and planted mangroves in Kiên Giang Province, Viet Nam (oral presentation # 24).
Ximenes, A.C., N. Koedam & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Self-Organizing Maps to determine global distribution patterns of mangrove plant species and analysis of threats using socio-economic indicators (oral presentation # 31).
Schedule – Keynote Speaker – Day to Day program – Oral Presentations – Poster Presentations – Publications
MMM3 Poster Contributions
Alphabetical list of poster contributions (oral pitching research highlights linked to the posters are preceded by an asterisk *) :
*Abirami, G., R. Anburaj & K. Kathiresan. Studies on sulphate reducing bacteria from Southeast coast of India (Oral pitching research highlight # 20).
Abu Hena, M.K. Mangrove fisheries and livelihoods.
Abu Hena, M.K., S. Gandaseca, C.I. Arianto & J. Ismail. Macro-algae in Lawas mangroves, Sarawak, Malaysia: ecosystem functions and economic aspects.
Aldrie Amir, A. Canopy gaps and the natural regeneration of Matang mangroves.
Aziz, I., F. Khan & M.A. Khan. Influence of salinity on biomass production, total phenols, damage markers, and water relations in mangroves.
Babbini, S., M. Fusi, F. Porri, C. McQuaid, F. Giomi & S. Cannicci. Are mangrove crabs true intertidal ectotherms? Different thermal strategies to cope with climate change.
Balaji, V. Community based ecological mangrove restoration in Palk Bay.
*Balke, T., E.M. Horstman, T.J. Bouma, P.M.J. Herman, C. Sudtongkong & E.L. Webb. Episodic sediment mixing from the tidal flat to the mangrove forest: a disturbance gradient for seedling survival (Oral pitching research highlight # 16).
Bosire, J.O., J. Maina, J.G. Kairo, S. Bandeira, C. Magori, H. Ralison & B. Kirui. Vulnerability of mangroves in the WIO region to climate change.
Bourgeois, C., G. Lin, T. Drouet, P. Ghysels, K. Wart, K. Leempoel, Y. Zhu & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Test assembly mechanisms of mangrove communities using geostatistical tools: a study case in the mangrove of Gaoqiao (Oral pitching research highlight # 2).
Burgos, A. Ethnoecology and monitoring of Siberut Biosphere Reserve mangroves (Indonesie).
Claden, M., A. Begue, B. De Gaulejac, D. Guiral, D. Imbert, P. Laune, M. Morell & M. Herteman. Remote sensing of hurricane impact and early vegetation recovery in the mangrove of Fort-de-France Bay (Martinique, FWI).
Dahdouh-Guebas, F., B. Satyanarayana, B. Pecceu, D. Di Nitto, K. Van Den Bossche, G. Neukermans, J.O. Bosire, S. Cannicci & N. Koedam. Habitat recovery assessment of reforested mangrove sites in the Gazi Bay, Kenya: a study testing the role of molluscs as bioindicator species.
Dahdouh-Guebas, F., N. Mukherjee, K. Shanker & N. Koedam. Governance of coastal plantations in southern India: long-term ecological vision or short-term economic opportunity?
Dasgupta, N. & S. Das. Salinity imposed biochemical changes towards efficient adaptation of some mangroves of Sundarbans, India.
*De Ryck, D.J.R., E.M.R. Robert, N. Schmitz, T. Van der Stocken, D. Di Nitto, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & N. Koedam. Size does matter, but not only size: two alternative dispersal strategies for viviparous mangrove propagules (Oral pitching research highlight # 15).
De Silva, K.H.W.L., K.A.R.S. Perera & M.D. Amarsinghe. Efficacy of traditional practice of mangrove cultivation in Negombo estuary.
*DebRoy, P., R. Jayaraman, M. Nagoor Meeran & R. K. Ramkumar. Managing the mangroves economically: ‘Use it or lose it’. (Oral pitching research highlight # 4).
Di Nitto, D., G. Neukermans, N. Koedam, H. Defever, F. Pattyn, J.G. Kairo & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Mangroves facing climate change: landward migration potential in response to projected scenarios of sea level rise.
Durango, J.S., B. Satyanarayana, J. Zhang, J. Wang, M. Chen, X. Fanghong, J.C.W. Chan, L. Kangying, J. Bogaert, N. Koedam & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Vegetation structure at Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve (ZMNNR), P.R. China: comparison between original and non-original trees using ground-truth, remote sensing and GIS techniques.
(Oral pitching research highlight # 13).
Francisco de Oliveira, P. M., G.M. Mori & A.P. de Souza. Investigation of the population genetics of Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae) along the Brazilian coast using microsatellite markers.
Fratini, S., L. Ragionieri, C.D. Schubart, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & S. Cannicci. New findings and current taxonomic uncertainties about Sesarmidae of East African mangroves.
Friess, D.A. & E.L. Webb. Robust baselines of mangrove extent do not exist for conservation policy.
*Friess, D.A., R. Leong, W.K. Lee & E.L. Webb. High-resolution mapping of mangrove topography and vegetation community structure (Oral pitching research highlight # 5).
Fromard, F., L. Lambs & P. Mangion. First structural and functional study of unexplored mangroves in the Iles Eparses, Southwest Indian Ocean.
Fusi, M., A. Sacchi, F. Dahdouh-Guebas, B. Joseph, N. Din & S. Cannicci. Macrobenthos assemblages in cameroonian mangrove forests. First evidence from the Wouri estuary, Douala.
Ghose, M. Status of Mangroves of the Sundarbans: some ecological observations.
Giomi, F., R. Simoni, B. Mostert, M. Fusi, F. Porri, C. McQuaid, H-O. Pörtner & S. Cannicci. Biology of crab embryos in mangrove forests: from evolutionary trends to climate change perspectives
Goessens, A., B. Satyanarayana, H. Mohd-Lokman, I. Sulong & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Forest composition and structure in the mangroves at Matang, West Peninsular Malaysia, after a century of sustainable management.
Gross, J., E. Flores & L. Schwendenmann. Stand structure and carbon stocks in a Pelliciera rhizophorae dominated mangrove forest in Montijo Gulf Ramsar site, Panama.
Grüters, U., S. Cannicci, M. Vannini & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Excluding random walks in the foraging behaviour of the portunid crab Thalamita crenata : modelisation and simulation based on real data.
Gupta (Joshi), H. & M. Ghose. Distribution of mangrove species: effects of environmental variables.
Kajita, T., K. Takayama, M. Vatanarast, N. Wakita & Y. Tateishi. Comparison of population structures of widely distributed sea-dispersal plants with mangrove species.
Kamrani, E., F. Hamzavi , A.R. Salarzadeh & A. Salarpori. Seasonal changes in macrobenthos at Basatin mangrove creeks, Bay of Nayband, The Persian Gulf, Iran.
Kavitha, S. & K. Kathiresan. Reproductive biology of the most-at-risk mangrove species (Rhizophora annamalayana) and its parental species.
Khan, M.N.I., N. Koedam, U. Berger, J.O. Bosire, J.G. Kairo & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Testing mangrove forest structure development and various forest management options in Gazi (Kenya) by combining KiWi individual-based modelling with >20 years of field data.
Khan, M.U., M. Ahmed, S.S. Shaukat & K. Nazim. Effect of industrial waste on early growth and phytoremediation potential of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh.
Khan, M.S.I. Mangrove habitat suitability under climate change in the Bay of Bengal rim.
Kochey, J.K., P.A. Aloo, J.G. Kairo & S. Cannicci. Mangroves and climate change: effects of increasing temperature on biology, density and distribution of Perisesarma guttatum (A. Milne Edwards, 1869) and Uca urvillei (H. Milne-Edwards, 1852) crabs at Gazi Bay, Kenya (Oral pitching research highlight # 3).
*Kodikara, K.A.S., E.M.R. Robert, L.P. Jayatissa, F. Dahdouh-Guebas, H. Beeckman, N. Schmitz & N. Koedam. Successive cambia in the mangrove Avicennia: a study on the three-dimensional structure of the cambia and the functioning of the internal phloem tissue (Oral pitching research highlight # 14).
Koedam, N., B. Satyanarayana, K. De Smet, D. Di Nitto, M. Bauwens, L.P. Jayatissa, S. Cannicci & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Long-term mangrove forest development in Sri Lanka: early predictions evaluated against outcomes using VHR remote sensing and VHR ground-truth data.
Kulkarni, B.G., A. Babar, A. Jaiswar & B. Desai-Chavan. Present status of mangrove ecosystem in and around Mumbai (West coast of India).
Leempoel, K., C. Bourgeois, J. Zhang, M. Chen, X. Fanghong, L. Kangying, J. Wang, K. Chen, B. Satyaranayana, J. Bogaert & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Spatial heterogeneity in mangroves assessed by GeoEye-1 satellite data: a case-study in Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve (ZMNNR), P.R. China.
*Léopold, A., C. Marchand, J. Deborde & M. Allenbach. One year survey of CO2 fluxes from sediments and water column in mangrove ecosystem (New Caledonia) (Oral pitching research highlight # 1)..
Lima, N.G.B.1, E. Galvani, M. Cunha-Lignon, Marília. Variation of air temperature on conserved and impacted mangroves: preliminary results on the Southern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil.
M’rabu, E., F. Dahdouh-Guebas, E.N. Kioko & N. Koedam. Insect pest infestation on mangrove forests of Kenya: identification, threats and impacts.
M’rabu, E., J.O. Bosire, S. Cannicci, N. Koedam & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Mangrove die-back due to massive sedimentation and its impact on associated biodiversity.
Mandal, S. Eco-floristic survey of mangrove population of Sundarbans, West Bengal, India with reference to their management for rural development.
Mangion, P., L. Lambs & F. Fromard. Nutrient cycling and use by the species Rhizophora mucronata in two contrasted mangrove settings from the French scattered islands, Western Indian Ocean.
Mangora, M.M. Photosynthesis in mangrove seedlings ceases underwater.
Mascaux, N., S. Fratini, S. Cannicci, J.O. Bosire, H. Mohd-Lokman, C. Bourgeois, J. Zhang, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & M. Kochzius. Connectivity of Scylla serrata in Kenya and the Indian Ocean.
*Mathiventhan, T. & T. Jayasingam. Impact of flood on Rhizophora plantation in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka (Oral pitching research highlight # 9).
Minchinton, T.E. Fruit size and predispersal herbivory by insects influence recruitment of the mangrove Avicennia marina.
Mohamed, M.O.S., P. Mangion, S. Mwangi, J.G. Kairo, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & N. Koedam. Litterfall in a peri-urban mangrove receiving raw domestic sewage, Mombasa, Kenya?
Mohamed, M.O.S., V.A. Mwakha, J.G. Kairo, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & N. Koedam. Are mangroves sustainable as peri-urban forests? A Case Study of Mombasa, Kenya.
Mukherjee, N., F. Dahdouh-Guebas & N. Koedam. What is a mangrove? A global expert-based approach on definition, functionality and resilience of the ecosystem.
Mulder, S., B. Satyanarayana, L.P. Jayatissa & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Are the mangroves in the Galle-Unawatuna area (Sri Lanka) at risk? a social-ecological approach involving local stakeholders for a better conservation policy.
Mwakha, V.A., B. Cowburn, J. Ochiewo, M.O.S. Mohamed, O. David, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & N. Koedam. Estimating the value of goods and services in a marine protected area: the case of Watamu Marine National Park and Reserve, Kenya.
*Nayar, T.S., V.P. Praveen & S. Suresh. Species preferences of the crab Sesarmops intermedius to seedling predation in mangrove ecosystem of Kerala, India (Oral pitching research highlight # 11).
Nfotabong Atheull, A., N. Din & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Mangrove spatial structure in a monospecific stands of the black mangrove Avicennia germinans (L.) Stearn in the Cameroon estuary.
Ochieng, J.A., E.O. Okuku & N. Munyao. Advocating for sustainability in mangroves utilization: a case study of Kilifi District, Kenya.
*Ochieng, J.A., H. Owiti, J.G. Kairo & N. Koedam. Assessing the link between the local people and the mangroves status of Mtwapa Creek, Kenya (Oral pitching research highlight # 8).
Ono, J., K. Takayama, S.H. Meenakshisundaram, W.K. Shan, M.N.B. Saleh, E.L. Webb, T. Asakawa, B. Adjie, E.R. Ardli, M.K.K. Soe, N.X. Tung, N.B. Malekal, Onrizal, O.B. Yllano, S. Sungkaew, S.G. Salmo III, Y. Watano, S. Baba, Y. Tateishi & T. Kajita. Phylogeography of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza.
Perera, K.A.R.S., M.D. Amarasinghe & W.A. Sumanadasa. Contribution of plant species to carbon sequestration function of mangrove ecosystems in Sri Lanka.
Polanía, J., L.E. Urrego & C.M. Agudelo. Colombia mangroves: recent advances towards their understanding.
Quisthoudt, K., C. Randin, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & N. Koedam. Minimum temperature requirements per aridity class of the mangrove genera Avicennia and Rhizophora at their upper latitudinal limits.
*Rajapaksha, A.C.D., M.G.V. Wickramasinghe, L.P. Jayatissa, N. Koedam & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Weaver ants as potential controlling agent of the mangrove apple fruit borer (Oral pitching research highlight # 7).
Rajkaran, A., J. Adams & S. Hoppe-Speer. Growth dynamics of mangroves in South Africa: a matter of latitudinal importance?
Rajkaran, A., S. Hoppe-Speer, J. Adams & C. Geldenhuys. Mangroves beyond their distribution. Is it a case of invasion at Nahoon Estuary, South Africa?
Rans, G., L.P. Jayatissa, S. Hettiarachi, N. Koedam & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Investigation of possible bioshields to protect vulnerable sections of the Sri Lankan coast.
Ransara, G.B.M., K.A.S. Kodikara, L.P. Jayatissa, S. Hettiarachi, P. Vinobaba, N. Koedam & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Evaluating the local use of mangroves as a source firewood in Sri Lanka.
Ransara, G.B.M., L.P. Jayatissa, K.K.G.U. Hemamali, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & N. Koedam. Survey on the distribution and species composition of mangroves in Sri Lanka in relation to the salinity of associated surface water.
*Ravichandran, S. & F.S. Wilson. Variations in the crab diversity of the mangrove environment from Tamil Nadu, Southeast coast of India (Oral pitching research highlight # 10).
*Reis-Neto, A.S., M. Cunha-Lignon, A.S. Reis Filho & A.J.A. Meireles. Analyses of the mangrove’s recover process in abandoned salt pounds constructed areas, in the Ceará river, Northeast Brazil (Oral pitching research highlight # 12).
Rule, M. J., A.J. Kendrick & D. Holley. Spatial variation in the morphological structure of monospecific stands of the mangrove Avicennia marina in an arid-zone world heritage area: challenges for management and conservation.
Sahu, S.K., M. Thangaraj & K. Kathiresan. DNA markers for understanding mangrove genetics.
*Saint-Paul, U. Mangrove management at the Gulf of Kutchch, India for coastal protection and resilience to climate change (Oral pitching research highlight # 17).
*Santos, L.C.M., Y. Schaeffer-Novelli, M. Cunha-Lignon, M.D. Bitencourt & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Satellite remote sensing and GIS to assess anthropogenic pressures and aid mangrove forest management: a case study at the São Francisco River Estuary (Northeast Brazil) (Oral pitching research highlight # 18).
Santos, L.C.M., M.D. Bitencourt, N. Koedam & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Discrimination of mangrove vegetation habitat types (Northeast Brazil) using CBERS-2B images and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI).
Satyanarayana, B., A.V. Raman, C. Kalavati, B.R. Subramanian & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Coringa mangroves in relation to local environmental conditions on the East coast of India.
Shahraki, M., U. Krumme & U. Saint-Paul. Diel and tidal changes in intertidal fish fauna composition from mangrove creeks of Qeshm Island, Persian Gulf, Iran.
Sharma, S (Sahadev)., A.T.M.R. Hoque & A. Hagihara. Comparative studies on crown foliage dynamics of three mangrove species of the family Rhizophoraceae in Okinawa Island, Japan.
Shinmura, Y., K. Takayama, W.K. Shan, E.L. Webb, T. Asakawa, B. Adjie, E.R. Ardli, M.K.K. Soe, M.N.B. Saleh, N.X. Tung, N.B. Malekal, Onrizal, O.B. Yllano, S.H. Meenakshisundaram, S. Sungkaew, S.G. Salmo III, E. Oguri, N. Murakami, Y. Watano, S. Baba & T. Kajita. Development of SSR markers for five mangrove species using next-generation sequencing with preliminary results of analyses of genetic diversity.
Takayama, K., M. Tamura, Y. Tateishi & T. Kajita. Global phylogeography of Rhizophora species.
Teraminami, T., A. Nakashima, M. Ominami, N. Matsuo, R. Nakamura, H. Nawata, A.A. Abdelwahab, M.M. Fouda & K. Yoshikawa. Forest structure and regeneration of gray mangrove (Avicennia marina) in Red Sea coastal region of Egypt.
*Thakur, S.A. & S.G. Yeragi. The role of mangrove habitat in the life of women in Akshi village, Maharashtra State, India. (Oral pitching research highlight # 6)
Tomizawa, Y., K. Takayama, S. Sungkaew, M.N.B. Saleh, T. Asakawa, B. Adjie, E.R. Ardli, M.K.K. Soe, W.K. Shan, N.X. Tung, N.B. Malekal, Onrizal, O.B. Yllano, S.H. Meenakshisundaram, S.G. Salmo III, Y. Watano, S. Baba, Y. Tateishi & T. Kajita. Phylogeography of Xylocarpus granatum.
Tran Thi, V., H. Phan Nguyen, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & N. Koedam. Application of remote sensing and GIS for detection of long-term mangrove shoreline changes in Ca Mau, Vietnam.
Van der Stocken, T., D.J.R. De Ryck, D. Di Nitto, L. Triest, F. Dahdouh-Guebas & N. Koedam. The propagule dispersal black box – driving factors and complexities: a review.
Vannini, M. & S. Fratini. The tree-climbing behavior of Cerithidea decollata (Mollusca: Potamididae): how does this snail decide when to climb and where to stop?
Vermeiren, P. & M. Sheaves. Spatial distribution patterns of intertidal crabs in tropical estuaries as a baseline for estuarine health monitoring.
*Wee, A.K.S. & E.L. Webb. Elucidating the influence of reproductive traits on population genetic structure in mangroves from the Malay Peninsula (Oral pitching research highlight # 19).
Ximenes, A.C., N. Koedam & F. Dahdouh-Guebas. Self-Organizing Maps to determine global distribution patterns of mangrove plant species and analysis of threats using socio-economic indicators.
Schedule – Keynote Speaker – Day to Day program – Oral Presentations – Poster Presentations – Publications
MMM3 Conference peer-reviewed publication
The organisers of the conference are currently negotiating the publication of the MMM3 Conference as a special issue of a peer-reviewed rated scientific journal. Papers will be selected by the scientific committee amongst the MMM3 participants having indicated their willingness to submit to this publication initiative (see registration form [discontinued]).